Busy making pottery for the Xmas season... Besides my regular galleries listed below, the new galleries that will be carrying my work are:
The Altitude Gallery......www.altitudegallerybozeman.com 134 E. Main Bozeman, MT
Birds and Beasleys.......info@birdsandbeasleys.com 70 S. Park Ave. Helena, MT
2 Rivers Gallery.....226 Mclead Big Timber, MT
From October 31 - November 3, I'll be showing at the 10th anniversary reopening celebration at the Grand Union Hotel in Fort Benton, MT. For more info call the hotel at 406-622-1882.
I just donated a piece to the "Classics for Kids Foundation", a non-profit organization benefitting student music programs across the country through instrument grants and mentoring. Their "OFF THE WALL" funraising event will take place in downtown Bozeman on October 23th. For more info e-mail brooke@classicsforkids.org.
Thanks to all of the pottery lovers who have supported me all these years.....